» Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Asked about Ming Campbell's comments that HMA Moscow was being followed around as part of a process of intimidation, the PMOS said that the Prime Minister had said this morning that the EU leaders made clear their concerns at the EU Summit in Finland, so there was an on going concern at some aspects of Russian conduct but that he wouldn't comment on an individual

Briefing took place at 12:00 | Read whole briefing | Comments (0)


Asked why Des Browne answered questions in the House on Iraq instead of Ian McCartney, the Prime Minister's Official Spokesman (PMOS) replied that the person chosen to answer the questions was Des Browne. He added that Margaret Beckett was in Penzance today and therefore unavailable.

Briefing took place at 11:00 | Read whole briefing | Comment (1)

London Stock Exchange

Asked why the Government had hardened its position on Iran, the PMOS said this was not a fair assessment and pointed the journalist to what the Prime Minister had said shortly after Hampton Court regarding President Ahmadinejad's remarks and had said many times since. These showed that the Prime Minister had always adopted a very strong position on Iran. In terms of the press conference, the Prime Minister was reflecting his genuine disgust at a conference specifically organised to deny an event in which the world knows millions of Jews were killed, and that they had stooped so low as to invite a former leader of the Ku Klux Klan.

Briefing took place at 11:00 | Read whole briefing | Comment (1)

Middle East

Asked if the Prime Minister had been thinking of any countries in particular when he said that one of the things that had improved in the Middle East in the past 3 years was the spread of democracy, the PMOS replied that in some of the Gulf States the vote had been opened up to women for the first time. He added that in Iraq there had been elections for the first time on three occasions, in which millions of people participated. On the basis that it is good that people are able to vote for their government, then this was an advance.

Briefing took place at 11:00 | Read whole briefing | Comments (3)


Asked about John Reid's comments that he wanted a politically led counter-terrorism department taking in foreign affairs and home affairs, the PMOS said the review had come to No10, the proposals would be studied and then we would make a decision.

Briefing took place at 11:00 | Read whole briefing | Comment (1)

» Monday, December 11, 2006

Press Conference

Asked if there were to be any special guests or slide shows, the PMOS said that the questions hadn't been asked with the necessary respect but there were no guests or slide shows.

Briefing took place at 11:00 | Read whole briefing | Comments (0)

Press Conference

Asked if there were to be any special guests or slide shows, the PMOS said that the questions hadn't been asked with the necessary respect but there were no guests or slide shows.

Briefing took place at 11:00 | Read whole briefing | Comments (0)

Middle East

Asked what the Prime Minister hoped to achieve in the Middle East, the Prime Minister's Official Spokesman (PMOS) said that above all, what the Prime Minister wanted to do was identify where the problems that were preventing the situation from moving forward. The way the Prime Minister had expressed it in Washington last week was that the door to moving forward seemed to be barred at the moment. Prime Minister Olmert had made a very significant and important speech that recognised the need for Israel to move.

Briefing took place at 11:00 | Read whole briefing | Comments (3)

Police Inquiry


Briefing took place at 11:00 | Read whole briefing | Comments (0)

Red Tape

Asked for further details regarding the Prime Minister's announcement on cutting red tape for businesses, the PMOS replied that we had said that we were going to set a target for each department to cut regulation by 25% by 2010, and today, the plans for each department would be published. The PMOS said that simplification plans contained over 500 initiatives which would deliver more than £2 billion worth of savings on admin costs for businesses and third sector organisations. Today was only the start, but people could view the plans set out for each department. The Prime Minister was hosting an event today with Pat McFadden, which would be a round table discussion, and there would be individuals attending from the voluntary sector and regulators.

Briefing took place at 11:00 | Read whole briefing | Comments (0)

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