» Thursday, December 14, 2006

Police Inquiry

The Prime Minister’s Official Spokesman (PMOS) briefed journalists that the Prime Minister had spoken to police this morning The PMOS said that it was not under caution and he was not accompanied by a lawyer.

Given that the SNP made complaints specifically about people nominated for peerages by the Prime Minister, we expected that police would ask to see the Prime Minister as the investigation reached its conclusion.

The Prime Minister explained why he nominated each individual. He did so as party leader in respect of those peerages reserved for party supporters, as other party leaders do. The nominations were therefore not honours for public service but expressly party peerages given for party service. In those circumstances, the fact that they had supported the party financially could not conceivably be a barrier to their nomination.

Asked where and when the interview had taken place, the PMOS replied that the interview had taken place in Downing Street this morning, sometime after 1100. It was not under caution, nor was the Prime Minister accompanied by a lawyer. The interview lasted around one and a half hours. The PMOS said that he was not going to get into the personnel, but he suggested to people that they should not assume anything.

Asked how many officials were present, the PMOS said that the Prime Minister was not accompanied by a lawyer, but there was a note-taker present.

Asked if that note-taker was a civil servant, the PMOS said yes.

Asked if this was the last conversation the Prime Minister would have with the police, the PMOS replied that there was no indication to suggest anything other than that.

Asked whether it had been No10 or the police who had arranged the interview, the PMOS said that he was not getting into the processology at all.

Put that if the interview had been arranged by No10, and given that today was the day of the Diana report, the PMOS replied that categorically, that was not a factor at all and there was no linkage to other events. In terms of the process, the PMOS said he was not getting into it.

Asked if this had been a window in the Prime Minister’s diary which had been made available to the police, the PMOS said again that he was not getting into the processology, but repeated that there was categorically no linkage to any other events that were taking place today.

Asked if the police were going to come back to ask more questions, the PMOS said that he was not aware of any other plans.

Asked if the Prime Minister was being interviewed as a witness, the PMOS replied that the Prime Minister had talked to the police, and was not under caution, nor was he accompanied by a lawyer.

Asked if the Prime Minister was tape-recorded by the police, the PMOS said that was a matter for the police.

Asked if Inspector Yates was present, the PMOS repeated that he was not getting into the personnel involved. The PMOS said that people should be wary of jumping to conclusions.

Asked if the police were in uniform, the PMOS replied that he was not getting into details, and as he was not at the interview, he did not know.

Asked if the police had spoken to anyone else in No10 today, the PMOS said that he was not aware that they had done.

Asked if the police had come in through the front door, the PMOS said he did not know which door they had entered through.

Asked if we were denying that Inspector Yates was present, the PMOS replied that he was not saying who was at the interview, but again warned people of jumping to conclusions. The PMOS said that it was not for him to brief on the police.

Briefing took place at 16:01 | Search for related news


  1. What a surprise that Mr. Bliar had a ready and convenient answer to the accusations – and no doubt, if there was an "independent" enquiry, it would find there was no case to answer. I have no doubts at all that no matter WHAT the crime committed by the PM, any kind of enquiry would find "no case to answer". The establishment is not called that for no reason…

    Comment by SmokeNMirrors — 14 Dec 2006 on 10:36 pm | Link
  2. It is odd that, all on the same day, Knacker of the Yard interviews Mr Blair, announces, ho hum, what we all knew would be the result of "Lord" Stevens’ enquiry into the mysterious death of the one person who could destroy the monarchy AND slips in its abandonment -at the hands of Oliver Integrity-My-Arse Goldsmith- of the SFO investigation into dodgy Saudis and BAe. Eternally wrong-footed, the twittering nincompoops at Radio Four and in the broadsheets won’t know which way to turn. It was, in short, a good day to bury bad news.

    Spraying spit over the studio while talking out of his arse "Lord" Hatterjee of Sparkbrook and the Guardian had the best of it: the prime minister is an honest man. Aye right, Roy, and you’re a raging heterosexual who just loves his mother rather a lot.

    Comment by tasty macfadden — 15 Dec 2006 on 12:06 am | Link
  3. police are supposed to govern the publice let them be answerable to the public and have a public body to deal with it

    Comment by neil scott — 28 Dec 2006 on 1:38 pm | Link

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