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Asked when the Prime Minister had been told that there wasn t going to be a full press conference with President Obama in the Rose Garden, the PMS said that it was for the US administration to decide how it hosted media events. Our understanding was that there was a plan for a media event in the grounds of the White House but due to the weather the plans changed. There would now be words from both the Prime Minister and President Obama in the Oval Office this afternoon.
Asked if it would be a side-by-side press conference, the PMS said that it was for the US administration to decide how to host their media events. There would be words from the Prime Minister and President Obama, with questions from the media.
Asked if the Prime Minister would give a sense of personal responsibility with regard to the global financial crisis during his press conference with President Obama, the PMS said that it was best to wait to hear what the Prime Minister had to say.
original source.
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