» Monday, March 2, 2009Sir Fred Goodwin PensionAsked if the Government was going to explore all the legal avenues within the existing law rather than possible new laws, the Prime Minister s Spokesman (PMS) said that our focus was on firstly, looking at Fred Goodwin s contract and whether or not the payments that were made were consistent with his employment contract. […] Briefing took place at 16:45 | Read whole briefing | Comment (1) Sir Fred GoodwinAsked repeatedly whether the Prime Minister agreed with Harriet Harman that Sir Fred Goodwin would not get his pension, the Prime Minister s Spokesman (PMS) told the assembled press that the Prime Minister had been setting out his views on this in the last hour or so and everyone in Government was determined to ensure […] Briefing took place at 11:00 | Read whole briefing | Comments (2) US TripAsked for more information on the US trip, the PMS said that the Prime Minister would be travelling to the US later today. The Prime Minister would be meeting President Obama tomorrow as well as Vice President Biden. On Wednesday, the Prime Minister would be giving a speech to the US Congress. In terms of […] Briefing took place at 11:00 | Read whole briefing | Comments (0) AfghanistanAsked if there were any particular countries that President Obama and the Prime Minister would be asking for more help from, the PMS said he would not start naming individual countries, but clearly this would be a big issue for discussion at the NATO Summit in early April. Asked if they would be appealing to […] Briefing took place at 11:00 | Read whole briefing | Comments (0) Business Lending Guarantee SchemeAsked if the scheme was behind schedule, the PMS said that we were on track with the launch of the Working Capital Scheme. We were now formally entering negotiations with the banks in relation to specific portfolios. original source. Briefing took place at 11:00 | Read whole briefing | Comments (0) Royal MailAsked if the Prime Minister was open to further consultation on the Royal Mail package, the PMS said that we were happy to discuss our proposals with whoever wanted to discuss them with us. However, we set out the legislation last week; the Prime Minister had set out why he thought the approach we had […] Briefing took place at 11:00 | Read whole briefing | Comments (0) MiscAsked whether the Government would consider stepping in if HSBC failed to raise the money needed through private investors, the PMS said that he would not answer a hypothetical question on something that was very market-sensitive. Put that the US was not attending the UN Conference on Racism and was there a view from the […] Briefing took place at 11:00 | Read whole briefing | Comments (0) Original PMOS briefings are © Crown Copyright. Crown Copyright material is reproduced with the permission of the Controller of HMSO and the Queen's Printer for Scotland. Click-use licence number C02W0004089. Material is reproduced from the original 10 Downing Street source, but may not be the most up-to-date version of the briefings, which might be revised at the original source. Users should check with the original source in case of revisions. Comments are © Copyright contributors. Everything else is © Copyright Downing Street Says. |
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