» Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Natwest Three

Asked if there was any word on the Prime Minister’s attempts to secure bail for the Natwest 3, the PMOS said that discussions continued. What was important was to separate out the burden of proof issue from the discussions over the treaty. He underlined that whilst the wording might not be precisely the same it was the legal opinion that what we now required of the United States in terms of evidence was the same as what we required of other countries and vice versa. The wording of our extradition arrangements with other countries might be different but we now believed that now all were on a par so that there was no difference in terms of the burden of proof asked for by the United States, compared for what we asked for from there or indeed what the US asked for and what other countries asked for.

Briefing took place at 11:00 | Search for related news

1 Comment »

  1. I don’t know all the ins and out of this case but I have fundamental misgivings about the shipping of these 3 people over to the US authorities. This is feels wrong, so wrong I feel obliged to post commentary and I am usually very politically inactive. Hope there are more members of the public out there who feel the same. Where are Nat West in all of this? what are they doing to assist their employees and their families finacially?

    Comment by Juliette Lockstone — 14 Jul 2006 on 1:21 pm | Link

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