John Edwards
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Asked if the Prime Minister had sent a message of support to Senator John Edwards, the PMOS said not as far as he was aware.
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Downing Street Says.
I can’t wait to see Tony eat humble pie if/when Kerry gets elected. Or will our "special relationship" with the US be abandoned to save Tony from embarrassment?!?!
Comment by PapaLazzzaru — 8 Jul 2004 on 6:29 pm | LinkDo not expect this to happen; it never has, it never will. US presidents don’t generally run around embarrassing UK Prime Ministers. Unless you’re Dubya, and then you’re not actually insulting, you’re just too dumb to figure out what the words coming out of your mouth actually mean.
Comment by Gregory Block — 10 Jul 2004 on 10:20 am | LinkYou are right Gregory.I see Edward`s for what he is he uses word`s like "Just because they say there are W.M.D.doesn`t make it so" Where as Bush could say Just because they say there are NO W.M.D.doesn`t make it so.But there again that would not be true as it has NEVER been prove there are NO W.M.D. Edward`s accepted the nomination as the Democratic candidate for the office of President of the U.S.A. I would like to tell him he AUTOMATICALLY get`s the nomination for greatest individual producer of green house gases! in the world.He own`s a small ocean going liner,he own`s at least FIVE mansion`s (although his children MIGHT live in them I don`t know)but how much green houses do they all produce a year!!!.This is a man that tells the American people he is going to do somethink about green house gases.Then he tells the American people he is going to help people that sleep rough WELL Edward`s how many of them did you let sleep in your liner and mansion`s last night!!!!!. Edward`s is asking the American people to buy him,all it will cost them is there vote and he will deliver.The American people will wait and wait for Edward`s to deliver his promises over the next four year`s they will wait in vain.
Comment by george dutton — 6 Aug 2004 on 10:12 am | LinkI should have been saying Kerry/Edward`s as Edward`s is tard by the same brush as his running partner.
Comment by george dutton — 6 Aug 2004 on 10:26 am | LinkWell, if you want a world where constant war is the norm, supporting Bush is the way ahead. Iran next, then who knows? Syria? You say time will tell; I say that is an irresponsible attitude; giving a warmonger time to wage more wars will solve nothing apart from putting billions of dollars into the American economy via its defence industry.
Comment by PapaLazzzaru — 6 Aug 2004 on 1:41 pm | LinkI`m not supporting Bush.I am just saying Kerry/Edward`s will not be as some people think!.You I think said early they were all no good!.Now do you see what I mean.
Comment by george dutton — 6 Aug 2004 on 8:38 pm | Link