» Friday, March 16, 2007

Home Office

Asked if it was true that the Foreign Secretary had threatened to resign over the Home Secretary’s security plans, the PMS said that the Foreign and Commonwealth Office had already fully dismissed the story and had confirmed it was totally untrue and ‘not her style’. This was a serious issue and it is being treated with seriousness. The PMS went on to say that when this issue has been raised before it has been made clear that reports that the SIS might have to report to the Home Secretary are wrong. Asked when a decision regarding the Home Office could be expected from Cabinet, the PMS said it was a serious issue and one that is complex and therefore it was to be expected that it would take time to consider it and a decision would be made when the Government was ready to make a decision. Asked if it would be a short-term discussion, the PMS said that the decision would happen when the decision happens.

Briefing took place at 9:00 | Search for related news

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