» Thursday, November 30, 2006

British Airways

Asked how concerned was the Prime Minister about the contaminated British Airways flights, the PMOS said, as he’d said before, this was a police investigation, it will be allowed to proceed as a police investigation. The Prime Minister had said there will be no diplomatic or political barrier to that police investigation. In terms of public health, as the Health Protection Agency have said, the risk to the pubic is low, but we will continue to be transparent with the public about what is found, the risk assessment on that, but at the same time we will give the police the time and the space to carry out their investigation. Asked in more general terms if the Prime Minister was concerned about the risk of a terrorist attack using polonium, the PMOS said it would be best to avoid any speculation until more facts were known.

Asked if the Prime Minister had discussed the matter with President Putin, the PMOS said no, the Prime Minister had not.

Asked, as you could get polonium easily on line in the United States and those providers would protect the identify of the purchasers, if the Prime Minister was worried about this kind of thing, the PMOS said that how the US dealt with it was a matter for the US as for the UK there was a police investigation and he would not be drawn into a discussion. Asked if it was raised at Cabinet today, the PMOS said that the Home Secretary had updated colleagues on the investigation and there had been updates on the health side of it as well.

Briefing took place at 9:00 | Search for related news

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