Asked what the status of Chai Patel's peerage was, the PMOS replied that as he had said throughout, we would announce them whenever we were ready to announce them. As the Prime Minister had said yesterday, he had always abided by the recommendations of the Lords Appointments Commission, and he took those recommendations very seriously.
Briefing took place at 7:00 | Read whole briefing | Comments (0)
Lords Reform
Put that Patricia Hewitt had said this morning that she had favoured a fully elected House of Lords, and did the Prime Minister agree with that view, the PMOS said that as people knew, there were different views within all parties, as well as between parties. Therefore, people should not be surprised that there was a discussion going on. The important thing was that that discussion did happen, and no doubt the Prime Minister would express his view at what he regarded as an appropriate time.
Briefing took place at 7:00 | Read whole briefing | Comments (0)
Asked if the Prime Minister read the Economist and did he value its advice, the PMOS replied that the Economist could do its own publicity, as the PMOS was not part of its PR department.
Briefing took place at 7:00 | Read whole briefing | Comments (0)
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