Sir Gulam Noon
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Asked if the Prime Minister was disappointed that Sir Gulam Noon had withdrawn from the peers list, the PMOS replied that he had not given a running commentary on the preparations of the list so far, and he was not about to start now.
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Downing Street Says.
Gulam Noon is among many successful Indian businessmen that operate in the UK and many are into bribery to attain success. The Trade Minister of India is also a man whose success is based entirely on bribery. He is Kamal Nath and was involved with Peter FU and BS Ong of KUO OIL CO in the 1980s to bring very overpriced oil products to State Oil IndianOil Corporation in return for big personal payments.Sanjay Ghandi was involved also and his Mother’s government.There is lots of evidence on this. Promoting Indians and East African Indians who are mainly HINDU to the Houses of Parliament will add to the great tone of corruption already seen under both recent Conservative and Labour Administrations who cannot contain the vary many bribers and money peddlers acting constantly to gain political influence and legalise certain policies. Mr Kinnocks mentor was the criminal Robert Maxwell,a Jew, and Mr Major was heavily linked to what me call bad people of bad influence.Blunkett was also badly connected to unsavory people as is Tony Blair.Mr Murdoch allows his journalists to offer bribes and tape and record personal matters of important people for the Sunday Times and his newspapers etc.
Why should any Government ever consider people like Noon to be in the Parliament?Kinnock himself is bad enough but was least flatly rejected by the general electorate in 1992 relying on a minority of support in the impoverished and sad welsh ex- mining valleys where some even today consider his to have been a Statesman,Many of these ex Leaders supported the War in Iraq after being complete peaceniks in days of political influence.Uk politics is sadly amiss.
Gary Smith
Comment by Gary Smith — 30 Nov 2006 on 10:37 am | Link