» Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Ministerial interests

Asked why the government hasn?t published the ministerial register of interests, the PMS said it would be published shortly reflecting the interests of current ministers.


Asked if the PM holds any Labour ministers responsible for unnecessary deaths in the upcoming Keogh review, the PMS said it was right that we wait for the publication.

Asked if public confidence might decline in the NHS from political point scoring, the PMS said the message we were sending to the public is about raising standards in the NHS by looking at pockets of poor practice identified through the inquiry into Mid Staffs and the Keogh review.

Asked if the PM was concerned about staffing levels in the NHS, the PMS replied that we now had 7,000 fewer mangers but 8,000 more clinically trained staff in the NHS; however, it is for hospitals to make the right decisions on the right mix of clinically-trained staff to serve their local communities.

Asked if doctors included in the 8,000 would have been trained under the last government, the PMS said the important this was that they were employed by the NHS whose budget this government has protected.

original source.

Briefing took place at 10:00 | Search for related news

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