» Thursday, January 29, 2009


The Prime Minister s Spokesman (PMS) began by giving a brief run down of the Prime Minister s schedule in Davos. He would be holding a briefing with Ban Ki-Moon entitled Path to the G20 Summit and following that he would be having a bilateral with Ban Ki Moon.

There would then be a private lunch with corporate leaders, followed by an informal gathering of world economic leaders. The Prime Minister would then meet the South Korean Prime Minister and speak at the Reviving Economic Growth Session, which would also include the South African President and the President of Mexico. In the evening there was a Climate Change dinner with political, economic and industrial leaders, on setting the global agenda on climate change.

On Saturday, the Prime Minister would be giving closing remarks at the informal meeting of leaders on Global Financial Governance and he would taker part in a question and answer session hosted by Christiane Amanpour.

Asked whether the Prime Minister would be saying anything new or would he be emphasising things he had already said, the PMS said that we had four objectives for Davos; continuing talks with global, political and economic leaders as well as academics, industrialists and NGO s ahead of the London Summit in April, secondly, to build international support to ensure that there was a commitment that the global economic recovery would be a low-carbon recovery, thirdly, to keep working towards a global trade deal and lastly, to continue to press for greater UK trade and foreign direct investment in Britain.

original source.

Briefing took place at 16:45 | Search for related news

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