» Thursday, January 1, 1970Immigration
Asked if it was a slightly unusual procedure for a statement to be released by the Labour Party under the name of the Immigration Minister, attacking David Cameron’s speech on immigration and did the Government share the views expressed by the Labour Party, the PMS replied that she would not get into the Labour Party response. The PMS added that in the next ten minutes, Tony McNulty would respond as Government Minister at the Home Office. Asked if Liam Byrne’s response was not the Government’s response, the PMS said that it was done in a party political capacity, but his response stood. However, people could expect a further response from Tony McNulty this afternoon. Asked if it would be the same response or a different response the PMS pointed out that Tony McNulty had not given the response yet, so people would have to wait to hear what he had to say. Asked if he would disagree with the comments of Liam Byrne, the PMS said she couldn’t see that being the case. Asked if it was because Liam Byrne was doing the Borders Bill, the PMS replied that it was correct that he had been caught up on various things today. Briefing took place at 1:00 | Search for related news Original PMOS briefings are © Crown Copyright. Crown Copyright material is reproduced with the permission of the Controller of HMSO and the Queen's Printer for Scotland. Click-use licence number C02W0004089. Material is reproduced from the original 10 Downing Street source, but may not be the most up-to-date version of the briefings, which might be revised at the original source. Users should check with the original source in case of revisions. Comments are © Copyright contributors. Everything else is © Copyright Downing Street Says. |
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It is essential to get New Labour out of Downing Street. They are the most corrupt, incompetent, shocking government I have ever seen at the helm of my country.
Under this awful government, so-called asylum seekers and other foreigners are flocking to Britain. They don’t claim asylum in other European countries because they all want to come to soft touch Britain where they will get put to the front of the queue before British people for housing, people who have paid into the system for years! In addition, they walk all over us: mosques are springing up like never before and Muslims suicide bomb us and call us evil – but they’re only too happy to claim the full range of benefits available! I’m sick of the loathsome lefties eroding our culture and way of life and will definitely be voting for the BNP at the next election as I see them as the only hope for claiming our country back. Currently, white British people are made to feel like second-class citizens in their own country. There’s no freedom of speech either unless it’s for the foreigner.
Next, there are services which are in chaos. Water shortages in summer are becoming far more common and migrants breeding like rabbits will double our population reportedly by 2080. We have hosepipe bans in the summer – people are going to die because of all the extra people! What about the rising burden on the NHS? How about the fact fifty different languages will be spoken in schools and the impact on communication and education? There’s also going to be far more houses needed. Think of all those extra houses having to be built on floodplains – because of demand by foreigners. For Goodness’ sake, we’re heading for Muslim Sharia law in this country.
Comment by Mr. Realistic — 25 Dec 2007 on 7:29 pm | LinkIt’s not from 1970 , is it? I guess it’s from January (is it really 1st January?) 2004. What do you think?
Comment by Giorgos — 10 Jan 2008 on 11:25 am | Link