Downing Street Says...

Every day the Prime Minister's Spokesman meets a small coterie of political journalists known as 'the lobby' for a topical chat, or 'briefing'.

Downing Street Says... is an unofficial site that lets you read summaries of these briefings and add your own comments. Want to know more?

» Thursday, June 16, 2011

Steve Hilton

Asked if Steve Hilton was still employed by Downing Street, the PMS confirmed that he was. original source.

Briefing took place at 15:45 | Read whole briefing | Comments (0)

High speed rail

Asked to name the preferred bidder for High Speed rail, the Prime Minister’s Spokesman (PMS) confirmed it was Siemens. original source.

Briefing took place at 10:00 | Read whole briefing | Comments (0)

Public Services White Paper

In response to the suggestion that the Public Services White Paper would be delayed, the PMS said that it would be published before the summer recess and that reports speculating that it would be delayed until early autumn were inaccurate. Asked if proposals would still be in a White Paper, the PMS confirmed that there […]

Briefing took place at 10:00 | Read whole briefing | Comments (0)


Asked when the sentencing bill would be announced, the PMS replied that it would be announced in due course. original source.

Briefing took place at 10:00 | Read whole briefing | Comments (0)

Steve Hilton

Asked if Steve Hilton was leaving Downing Street, the PMS said that he was not. original source.

Briefing took place at 10:00 | Read whole briefing | Comments (0)


Asked if the Prime Minister would be having any conversations to discuss the situation in Greece, the PMS said the Prime Minister had a number of commitments in Lincoln today. Asked if he recognised reports that the UK would be liable for billions of pounds to bail out Greece, the PMS replied that he would […]

Briefing took place at 10:00 | Read whole briefing | Comments (0)


Asked for a readout of the Prime Minister’s meeting with Francis Maude, the PMS responded that there was no change on the Government’s position on strikes. Asked if Francis Maude was updating the Prime Minister on the situation or discussing contingency plans, the PMS declined to comment on meetings between the Prime Minister and his […]

Briefing took place at 10:00 | Read whole briefing | Comments (0)

Parliamentary timetables

On the issue of the Lords reducing their recess time to allow for more scrutiny time, the PMS was asked if the Commons would follow suit, he said that the timetable for the Lords is a matter for the business managers. original source.

Briefing took place at 10:00 | Read whole briefing | Comments (0)

1st Sea Lord

Asked about the Prime Minister’s reaction to the suggestion that the First Sea Lord was given a dressing down’, the PMS said that the Government had already given its position on this matter. original source.

Briefing took place at 10:00 | Read whole briefing | Comments (0)

» Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Strike action

Asked for the Government’s reaction to the latest strike announcement, the Prime Minister’s Spokesperson (PMS) said the Government wanted an open and constructive dialogue with unions. The Government was responding to Lord Hutton’s report on public sector pensions, which would remain among the very best. Freezing pay for wages over 21,000 had helped to preserve […]

Briefing took place at 15:45 | Read whole briefing | Comments (0)


Asked whether the PM accepted that 7000 people suffering from cancer will be affected by the change in benefits policy, the PMS said he did not recognise that figure but the Government needed to reform the system because the welfare budget had increased year-on-year, which was unfair to taxpayers, unaffordable and trapping people in a […]

Briefing took place at 15:45 | Read whole briefing | Comments (0)

Prime Minister’s Day

PMQs Prime Minister to meet with NATO Secretary-General Rasmussen in No10. This will be an opportunity to discuss NATO’s operations in Libya and Afghanistan, and NATO reform. Pooled pics and opening statements, 4.45pm. The Foreign Secretary will also meet the Secretary-General Working from Downing Street. original source.

Briefing took place at 10:00 | Read whole briefing | Comments (0)

Other departmental business

The Foreign Secretary will also be meeting the NATO Secretary General, 1600 Chancellor to give the annual Mansion House speech Health Secretary, Andrew Lansley has given a speech at the Commissioning 2011 conference in London International Development Secretary, Andrew Mitchell will lay out how the Government will improve the way it responds to man-made and […]

Briefing took place at 10:00 | Read whole briefing | Comments (0)


Asked what the Prime Minister would be looking to get out of the meeting with Secretary General Rasmussen, the Prime Minister’s Spokesman (PMS) told the assembled press that the meeting would discuss the campaigns in Libya and Afghanistan. There was a decision expected shortly from the US on troop numbers in Afghanistan and the PMS […]

Briefing took place at 10:00 | Read whole briefing | Comments (0)


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