Iraqi Elections
The Prime Minister's Official Spokesman (PMOS) told journalists that the Prime Minister had congratulated the people of Iraq on running a very successful election, and despite it only making page 23 of The Independent, it should be recognised by everybody.
Briefing took place at 6:00 | Read whole briefing | Comments (0)
EU Summit
Asked what stage the negotiations had reached so far, and was Britain tabling formal proposals, and also, did those proposals include increased payments by Britain, the PMOS replied that the Prime Minister had met separately Chancellor Merkel, President Chirac, Prime Minister Zapatero, Chancellor Schuessel, and the Hungarian Prime Minister this morning. The Prime Minister was also holding another meeting with Chancellor Merkel and President Chirac this morning, the Foreign Secretary had met others as well. In terms of the plenary, the Prime Minister would use that to update the leaders on where we were, a report-back session.
Briefing took place at 6:00 | Read whole briefing | Comments (0)
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