» Monday, September 19, 2005

The BBC and Hurricane Katrina

Asked if the Prime Minister had any comment to make about the BBC’s coverage of Hurricane Katrina, the PMOS said he did not.

Briefing took place at 9:00 | Search for related news


  1. For the record:


    Mr Murdoch reportedly said: "Tony Blair – perhaps I shouldn’t repeat this conversation – told me yesterday that he was in Delhi last week and he turned on the BBC World Service to see what was happening in New Orleans. And he said it was just full of hate for America and gloating about our troubles."

    I suppose this one gets filed under Yet More Lies, but of the Comical Ali kind: "There are no American infidels in Baghdad. Never!"

    Comment by Julian Todd — 19 Sep 2005 on 7:22 pm | Link
  2. Julian – thanks for that link. It really says an awful lot!

    Some related thoughts:-

    US – politics/markets
    * The US is entering a "pre-depressionary" phase! All (honest) fundamentals confirm this.
    * The picture is confused by dishonesty ("spin" – used to be called "lies") – bad news is always painted as good, good news is blown out of all proportion.
    * Gov NEEDS to increasingly clamp down on freedom (of media, of individuals, of internet) to hide its lies – NEEDS to pervert laws to maintain power for a final grab at TOTAL power (3rd term for Bush, lifetime presidency, martial law)
    * This will blow up in their faces. In the end American simply will not stand for it. They will chose "honesty and remorse" rather than "lies and continued theft".
    * Fiscal Armaggedon is more likely with every lie, every crime, every manipulation.

    * Typical Aussie bravado (and gullibility) pushes markets into a stratosphere which is not warranted by ANY fundamentals.
    * Oz economy CANNOT survive a US depression. Tough bronzed Aussies think they are invincible. Millions of Aussies are now ASSURED of losing ENTIRE wealth – ALL their pension fund, house, savings – EVERYTHING!
    * Jonny Howard has clearly shown his true alliegence – to USA (& Bush crime syndicate) NOT Oz. (viz. FTA, Iraq war, subservience to US neo-con instructions to suppress freedom/ abolish privacy). Frequent visits (the guy is there every second week!) to take instructions confirm this.
    * Rupert Murdoch (FOX, Newscorp etc.) media (now moved all control from Oz to USA) is merely a mouthpiece for Bush admin lies and support/propaganda for Howard’s treason against the Oz people.

    * Situation not disimilar to Oz – Bliar has more resources to hide dishonesty & crimes. Plus Brits are more tollerant/accepting of gov secrecy than Aussies.
    * NUJ comments today say it all


    There is clearly something going on here that we do not fully understand. We say "show me how a person is paid and I will tell you how he will behave." Converse true too.

    The "behavious" of Bliar (UK) and Howard (Oz) say a great deal about how they may be being "paid"!

    Comment by JK5 — 20 Sep 2005 on 3:19 am | Link
  3. Yes, excellent link – thanks

    Comment by Aidan Maconachy — 28 Sep 2005 on 11:55 pm | Link

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