» Thursday, January 13, 2005

Olympic Bid

Asked if the Prime Minister thought the Olympics would go to Paris, the PMOS said the Prime Minister was fully behind the London bid, and believed it was a very good bid. The PMOS refused to comment on alleged speculation.

Briefing took place at 11:00 | Search for related news


  1. london olympic bid to win must demonstrate that it has the same cultural flair to offer as paris,
    eg: notting hill carnival. This must be shown as an asset to the world!!

    Comment by m rajeshwar — 19 Feb 2005 on 5:27 am | Link
  2. I am praying that London comes last in the bid for the 2012 Olympics, because me and everyone i ever speak are fed up with London always getting everything it wants and the rest of the country missing out on new developments just to keep the people from London happy. Cities like Birmingham and Manchester have got no chance of getting any big sporting events in the future because all of the top venue’s will be in London.
    I have never been a big fan of Paris but i hope they are successful in their bid to stop London getting what it wants yet again!

    Comment by Richard Doyle — 19 Jun 2005 on 3:45 pm | Link

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