» Monday, January 24, 2005

Northern Ireland

Asked what line the Prime Minister was going to take regarding Gerry Adams, the PMOS repeated his words of last week when he said there could be no deal with Republicans unless all criminal and paramilitary activities stopped. In terms of the way forward with Taoiseach, he was going to have a meeting with the Prime Minister and with Sinn Fein, and therefore the two Prime Minister’s could compare notes and talk about the positions of the others parties as well. What the people of both North and South wanted was to move forward. He stressed again that we could only move forward with the Republicans if there was a genuine end to all activity.

Asked if the evidence showed, however, that the parties could only move forward after a general Election, the PMOS said that what people had seen between the time of the Assembly Elections and December, was progress of a very real kind. The problem was that activities such as the robbery did throw up questions that had to be addressed. We should not therefore wait for any one event, as history showed that if one waited for events whilst dealing with Northern Ireland, then one could wait a very long time.

Briefing took place at 11:00 | Search for related news

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