» Monday, July 4, 2011

Dilnot Review

Asked whether the PM had read the report and, if so, what his views were, the PMDS said the Health Secretary would shortly be making a statement in the House. She added that the Coalition Agreement had set out its intention to set up a Commission on social care and support which would report in its first year. She added this report addressed part of the picture of what needed to be done to tackle social care issues and the PM welcomed the report. She added people would be aware this was a complex as well as multifaceted issue and funding could not be looked at in isolation.

Asked if the term Dilnot is DOA’ was exaggerated, the PMDS said she did not recognise that characterisation. She added that the report was a very important marker in our attempt to deal with the issue. As we had seen on the issue of public sector pensions, the number of people who were aging was quite significant. By 2026, the number of 85 year olds was projected to double and that statistic alone set the picture for the problem we needed to tackle.

Asked how many 85s year olds there were currently, the PMDS said she wasn’t aware of the exact figure and referred people to the Department for Work and Pensions.

Asked if we were surprised to find people briefing out phrases such as DOA’ and whether it was still the Government’s intention to legislate in the next session on this issue, the PMDS said on the second point it was important to wait until the Health Secretary had made his statement in the House. On the first point, she did not recognise the statement.

Asked if the PM had responded formally to the Leader of the Opposition’s offer for cross party talks on this issue, the PMDS said the PM had already said that he was happy to look at this on a cross party basis.

Asked whether funding was the main problem from Downing Street’s perspective, the PMDS said we had always said there was a price tag but we would not back away from the issue.

original source.

Briefing took place at 10:00 | Search for related news

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