Downing Street Says...

Every day the Prime Minister's Spokesman meets a small coterie of political journalists known as 'the lobby' for a topical chat, or 'briefing'.

Downing Street Says... is an unofficial site that lets you read summaries of these briefings and add your own comments. Want to know more?

» Tuesday, April 8, 2014

MPs holidays

Asked whether it was true that consideration was being given to allocating an extra week?s ?holiday? for MPs, the PMS said he was not aware of any changes to the Parliamentary timetable. original source.

Briefing took place at 10:00 | Read whole briefing | Comments (0)

» Monday, April 7, 2014


Asked about the recent developments in Ukraine the PMS said that the government continued to monitor the situation carefully and that all parties should show restraint. original source.

Briefing took place at 15:45 | Read whole briefing | Comments (0)


Asked about Eric Pickles? recent comments on atheism, the PMS said the Prime Minister had expressed his views on faith in the UK many times. original source.

Briefing took place at 10:00 | Read whole briefing | Comments (0)

» Thursday, April 3, 2014


Asked where the PM did his shopping, the PMS said the PM had already discussed the various supermarkets he shopped in. original source.

Briefing took place at 15:45 | Read whole briefing | Comments (0)


Asked for the PM?s approach to immigration levels, the PMS said the PM wanted to see net migration fall to under 100,000. original source.

Briefing took place at 10:00 | Read whole briefing | Comments (0)

» Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Maria Miller

Asked whether the Prime Minister had confidence in Maria Miller, the PMS said that he did. original source.

Briefing took place at 15:45 | Read whole briefing | Comments (0)

Muslim Brotherhood

Asked about the government review into the Muslim Brotherhood, the PMS said the review would look across the board at the Muslim Brotherhood, its links to organisations in the region and in the UK itself. original source.

Briefing took place at 10:00 | Read whole briefing | Comments (0)

» Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Royal Mail

Asked about the sale of Royal Mail, the PMS pointed to what the PM had said in a press conference that afternoon. The taxpayer was benefiting from the receipts of the sale and the company was now able to compete in the long term. original source.

Briefing took place at 15:45 | Read whole briefing | Comments (0)

Onshore wind

Asked about the government?s policy on onshore wind, the PMS said the government wanted communities to have a greater say in the planning process. Onshore wind played a role in the wider renewable energy agenda, which the government wanted to promote to diversify Britain?s energy supply. original source.

Briefing took place at 10:00 | Read whole briefing | Comments (0)

» Monday, March 31, 2014


In response to a question on whether anyone had been arrested at No.10 over the weekend the PMS responded that to his knowledge no-one had been arrested. original source.

Briefing took place at 15:45 | Read whole briefing | Comment (1)

Qatar World Cup

Asked whether the PM was concerned about World Cup construction site standards in Qatar, the PMS said FIFA were responsible for working with the Qatari authorities on these matters and it was right for them to consider raising concerns. original source.

Briefing took place at 10:00 | Read whole briefing | Comments (0)

» Thursday, March 27, 2014

Legal aid

Asked what the PM thought of legal aid reforms being postponed, the PMS said there was a process in place leading to a reform the government wanted to see. original source.

Briefing took place at 15:45 | Read whole briefing | Comments (0)


In reference to claims that a housing bubble was on the horizon, the PMS said that house prices were still below their pre-recession peak. He noted that that the Financial Policy Committee (FPC) had said the housing market did not pose a risk in the short term and that the government had put regulatory tools […]

Briefing took place at 10:00 | Read whole briefing | Comments (0)

» Wednesday, March 26, 2014

/Nigel Farage debate on Europe

When asked whether he had an update on what the Prime Minster would be doing during the debate and who he wanted to win, the PMS responded that he didn?t make a habit of asking the Prime Minster what he did in his private time. The PMS said that the Prime Minister?s position on Europe […]

Briefing took place at 15:45 | Read whole briefing | Comments (0)


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