Downing Street Says...

Every day the Prime Minister's Spokesman meets a small coterie of political journalists known as 'the lobby' for a topical chat, or 'briefing'.

Downing Street Says... is an unofficial site that lets you read summaries of these briefings and add your own comments. Want to know more?

» Monday, July 7, 2014


Asked about whether a vote was likely for the presidency of the European Commission, the Prime Minister?s Spokesperson (PMS) said that a vote was likely to take place in the afternoon. He added that while the decision on whether to take a vote was for Van Rompuy both Angela Merkel and Francis Hollande were supportive […]

Briefing took place at 18:20 | Read whole briefing | Comments (0)

Home Office dossier review

Asked about whether the Home Office should publish the entire report into the department?s handling of information on child abuse allegations between 1979 to 1999, the PMS explained that his understanding was that the Executive Summary clearly reflected the findings. original source.

Briefing took place at 18:20 | Read whole briefing | Comments (0)


Asked about the Prime Minister?s reaction to Andy Murray?s loss, the PMS noted that fans would be disappointed but they would look forward to watching Andy bounce back at the US Open. original source.

Briefing took place at 18:20 | Read whole briefing | Comments (0)

» Thursday, July 3, 2014

Private Members? Bill on aid spend

Asked a number of questions on whether the government would support the proposed Private Members? Bill on commitment to foreign aid spend, the PMS said that he would expect the government to take the same supportive position as it had with previous similar bills on the same issue. Asked whether there would be a government […]

Briefing took place at 12:50 | Read whole briefing | Comments (0)

» Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Creative industries reception

The Prime Minister?s Spokesperson (PMS) was asked a number of questions about the invite list, logistics and press arrangements for the creative industries reception at the Foreign Office and the dinner at Downing Street. The PMS explained that there would be around 600 guests at the reception from across film, music and theatre while the […]

Briefing took place at 12:50 | Read whole briefing | Comments (0)

Civil partnership

Asked why civil partnerships for straight couples had been vetoed, the PMS responded that this was something that the government had consulted on and the government had taken the decision in line with the responses to the consultation. original source.

Briefing took place at 10:50 | Read whole briefing | Comments (0)

Plain packaging for cigarettes

Asked whether plain packaging would be implemented ahead of the election, the PMS said that the government was committed to the implementation of this, we said we would publish the draft regulations and we had, and the right thing to do would be to go through the proper parliamentary process. original source.

Briefing took place at 10:50 | Read whole briefing | Comments (0)

» Friday, June 27, 2014

Queen?s Speech

Asked for a response to accusations from the opposition that there was a ?Zombie Parliament? the PMS pointed to the words of the PM and DPM stating that this government was taking forward a bold pack of reforms. original source.

Briefing took place at 14:41 | Read whole briefing | Comments (0)

President of European Commission

Asked about whether the Prime Minister was backing anyone for the Presidency and Jean Claude Juncker?s tweets confirming he is confident of becoming President, the PMS said that the PM?s focus was on establishing the priorities for Europe and the need for reform. He added that the President of the European Council Van Rompuy would […]

Briefing took place at 14:41 | Read whole briefing | Comments (0)

King Juan Carlos of Spain

Asked whether the Prime Minister had mentioned the abdication of King Juan Carlos of Spain in yesterday?s conversations with the Spanish Prime Minister, the PMS said that the PM echoed his words from earlier in the week ? paying tribute to King Juan Carlos and his work to help Spain?s successful transition to democracy. original […]

Briefing took place at 14:41 | Read whole briefing | Comments (0)


Asked about the government position on the Iraq situation, the PMS said the position was set out in the statement given after this week?s National Security Council. The government?s approach is to engage diplomatically in support of a broad based Iraqi government, which recognise the importance of Shi?a, Sunni and Kurdish communities being properly represented. […]

Briefing took place at 14:41 | Read whole briefing | Comments (0)


Asked about the forthcoming EU Council and the outcome, the PMS said the Prime Minister?s (PM) view is clear and has not changed. Support for reform is widely shared and the PM will continue to make his case with all his counterparts. Each country will set out its position. original source.

Briefing took place at 14:41 | Read whole briefing | Comments (0)

Andy Coulson

Asked about the Prime Minister?s (PM) reaction to the court?s decision on Andy Coulson today the PMS said he had nothing further to add to the statement the PM made earlier today. Asked about Mr Coulson?s level of vetting, the PMS pointed to the Leveson Inquiry report and the then Cabinet Secretary?s letter of 22 […]

Briefing took place at 14:41 | Read whole briefing | Comments (0)

» Wednesday, June 18, 2014

China visit

The Prime Minister?s Spokesperson (PMS) advised that further details on Premier Li?s visit would be available the next day. He also listed the ministers Premier Li was due to meet and confirmed that he would be meeting the Leader of the Opposition. original source.

Briefing took place at 11:20 | Read whole briefing | Comments (0)


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