» Monday, February 7, 2011

Bill of Rights

Asked why a Commission on a Bill of Rights had not been set up, the PMS said that it would be set up. In nine months, the Government had introduced a wide range of policies; this was one thing that it would turn its attention to soon.

On whether the Prime Minister was happy with the European Court of Human Rights, the PMS said that on the issue of prisoner voting for example, the Prime Minister had mad clear he was not happy with the present situation.

Put that the Policy Exchange had said that it would be feasible for the Government to ignore the ruling on prisoner voting, the PMS replied that there would be a vote on the motion later this week and we were looking very hard at the legal advice.

Asked if the vote was being whipped and would Ministers vote, the PMS replied that he thought Ministers would abstain.

Asked if backbench motions were binding on Government, the PMS said that it was Parliament expressing a view and we would take account of what Parliament said.

original source.

Briefing took place at 10:00 | Search for related news

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