» Monday, May 8, 2006


Asked if the recent events in Basra could be seen as a message from Iran on the eve of the meeting in New York, the PMOS said that we saw it for what it was, which was a deeply regrettable incident which resulted in the deaths of five British personnel. The best place to go for an update for it was Des Browne’s statement.

Asked were there enough troops, the PMOS said that the Prime Minister had dealt with this earlier today in his press conference. What was important was that we had seen progress in recent days in re-establishing normal relations with the political authorities in Basra. We had also been actively engaged in training and equipping Iraqi forces, and that was the process that mattered. Unfortunately, attacks like this did happen, but the important thing was that we worked with the Iraqi forces to built up their capacity, and that was what we were doing. 

Asked about a possible statement about troops over the next few weeks, and was that likely to happen, the PMOS replied that what the Prime Minister was referring to was first of all the formation of the Iraqi Government, and secondly, how we kept pushing forward the process of Iraqiisation.

Briefing took place at 8:00 | Search for related news

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