» Monday, February 9, 2004

House of Lords Reform

Asked if the Prime Minister was in favour of the proposal for indirect elections to the House of Lords, the PMOS said that our position on the House of Lords had not changed. As Lord Falconer had set out yesterday, we were keen to see the re-establishment of the Joint Committee so that it could consider issues, including the indirect elections proposal, relating to Lords reform. Until that mechanism was up and running again, it was difficult to discuss the options. Asked if the proposal was a way to break the current impasse, the PMOS said that it was an idea which we would like the Committee to explore.

Briefing took place at 11:00 | Search for related news

1 Comment »

  1. Indirect elections won’t work because they more likely than direct elections to undermine the legitimacy of the commons unless it also changes its voting.

    Huge numbers of people are unlikely to get the MP they want or they will get them whatever they do. So they will be voting for the second chamber.

    What is intended to maintain the primacy of the commons and its mandate will in fact split the mandate and undermine the legitimacy of the commons. Indeed over time, given the interest provided by the uncertainty of coalitions, it is possible that the second chamber would become the main focus of the elections and it could legitimately say:

    "The people voted for us; we are the democratically legitimate chamber and the commons should not obstruct the democratic will of the people."

    There a number of good proposals for "democratic appointments". The simplest is to ask a citizen’s jury to appoint the new senators, alternatively each region could elect someone for the panel.

    These proposals retain the best aspects of the present Lords, and add enough democracy to make them democratically legitimate enough to carry out the work of scrutinising bills without any question of a democratic mandate.

    Comment by Mike Haseler — 10 Mar 2004 on 11:31 am | Link

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