» Thursday, July 31, 0110

Diocese of Ely

The Queen has approved the nomination of the Right Reverend Stephen David Conway, MA, Area Bishop of Ramsbury, for election as Bishop of Ely in succession to the Right Reverend Anthony John Russell, BA, DPhil, on his resignation on the 28th February 2010.

Notes for Editors

Stephen Conway (aged 52) was educated first at Keble College, Oxford and then at Selwyn College, Cambridge. He trained for ordination at Westcott House, Cambridge. He served his first curacy from 1986 to 1989 at Heworth St Mary in the diocese of Durham, and then from 1989 to 1990 at Bishopwearmouth St Michael and St Hilda. From 1990 to 1994 he was Director of Ordinands and Honourary Curate Durham St Margaret. From 1994 to 1996 he was Priest-in-Charge at Cockerton and Vicar from 1996 to 1998. From 1998 to 2002 he was Bishop s Senior Chaplin and Communications Officer in Durham diocese. From 2002 to 2006 he was Archdeacon and Canon Residentiary of Durham Cathedral. Since 2006 he has been Area Bishop of Ramsbury.

Bishop Stephen has been involved in the world of mental health since he trained for the priesthood and has chaired the trustees of a national mental health charity. He has recently become the Anglican bishop accompanying the L Arche Community in the UK. This ecumenical link is part of a wider ecumenical engagement through diocesan links in Latvia and Evreux and formerly in Romania and North Germany. He is a member of the Sant Egidio Community s network of bishops. He has been closely involved in promoting the Church s role in public and community life in Wiltshire through the Wiltshire Assembly and direct links with the Army and RAF in the county. Until very recently he has chaired the Learning for Discipleship and Ministry Council for Salisbury and convenes the IME task group for the South-Central Regional Training Partnership. Following the retirement of Bishop of David Stancliffe effective from early July, he currently has oversight of the Diocese of Salisbury.

original source.

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