» Thursday, December 9, 2010

Tuition Fees

Asked if the Prime Minister was confident that the Government would win the vote on tuition fees this afternoon, the Prime Minister’s Spokesman (PMS) said that he was not going to speculate on the outcome of the vote, suffice to say it was a Government priority to implement this policy.

Asked if there would be any more concessions, the PMS said that the policy had been clearly set out, and that he did not anticipate any concessions.

Asked if there would be a large police presence in Whitehall this afternoon, the PMS said that it was a matter for the police, but he was sure that the police had plans in place.

Asked if there was any information on the timing of higher education and the White Paper, the PMS said no, not yet.

Asked what exactly the votes today were on, the PMS said that there were two votes today; one on raising the cap to 6000, and the other a resolution on the upper limit, which were both based on existing tuition fees legislation.

Asked if there would be any sanctions for Principal Private Secretaries if they voted against the Government, the PMS said that the Coalition Agreement and the Ministerial Code set out the position.

original source.

Briefing took place at 10:00 | Search for related news

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