» Tuesday, December 12, 2006

London Stock Exchange

Asked why the Government had hardened its position on Iran, the PMOS said this was not a fair assessment and pointed the journalist to what the Prime Minister had said shortly after Hampton Court regarding President Ahmadinejad’s remarks and had said many times since. These showed that the Prime Minister had always adopted a very strong position on Iran. In terms of the press conference, the Prime Minister was reflecting his genuine disgust at a conference specifically organised to deny an event in which the world knows millions of Jews were killed, and that they had stooped so low as to invite a former leader of the Ku Klux Klan.

Put to him that the Prime Minister had said that a threat from Iran could challenge another country’s security, the PMOS replied that the Prime Minister had previously used the language that Iran was a ‘strategic threat to the region’ and that is what he believes. Whether talking about supplying equipment to those attacking our troops in Southern Iraq, or with regards to Hizbollah, or what it is doing in supporting terrorism, added to the President’s comments about wiping Israel off the face of the map, it was self evident that this was not just rhetoric. This was the leader of a country talking about another country and should be taken with due seriousness.

Asked to clarify if he was now saying that it was the regime in Iran supplying equipment to those attacking our troops in Iraq, the PMOS replied that it was not always clear who does what in Iran, but what the Prime Minister was clear on and has said consistently, is that we believe the IED technology comes from Iran.

Briefing took place at 11:00 | Search for related news

1 Comment »

  1. Then either the PM is lying (so what’s new?!) or the PMOS is lying (so what’s new?!) Apart from the rest of the obvious bullshit aimed at the sheeple of the country, the President of Iran has never threatened to wipe Israel off the map. His comments have always been deliberately misinterpreted by the corporate mainstream media so as to mislead the gullible general public into supporting the government’s unsupportable stance over Israel. Instead, what President Ahmadinajad HAS said is that the Zionism regimes in the USA and Israel should be destroyed – an entirely different thing. And upon learning the truth about the state of the world, any right and free-thinking individual would agree with him….

    Better ramp up the rhetoric and get in there quick, Tone – before Iran discovers something about the Holocaust that will REALLY embarrass Israel and its actions & supporters over the last 60 years – like the suspicion that the numbers of casualties have been vastly overblown.

    Comment by SmokeNMirrors — 13 Dec 2006 on 4:07 pm | Link

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